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World Star Tech’s single mode high power “ytterbium fiber laser” demonstrates excellent spectral quality in a single package.
The fiber laser output power is available from 5W to 15W. The proprietary all-fiber laser architecture offers high power densities in a compact, robust, and maintenance-free design for many exciting applications.

Ytterbium fiber lasers are ready to use for applications such as laser marking, lidar, optical tweezers, sensing, medical, scientific and other applications. Single-mode, 1064nm Ytterbium fiber lasers can also be used as efficient pump sources for generating laser wavelengths in the visible region for various applications. World Star Tech’s Ytterbium fiber lasers are maintenance-free and specifically designed for OEM applications.

The laser is available randomly polarized or polarized and continuous wave (CW) output with excellent spectral quality. The modules can be integrated directly into marking, micromachining, scientific and medical equipment.

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