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PicoQuant - Fluorescence Microscopes
PicoQuant offers different solutions for time-resolved confocal microscopy. The available systems include single molecule sensitive microscopes with picosecond temporal resolution and super-resolution imaging capabilities as well as upgrade kits for laser scanning microscopes of all major manufacturers that enable time-resolved applications.
MicroTime 200
Time-resolved Confocal Fluorescence Microscope with Unique Single Molecule Sensitivity
Complete system with laser combining unit, inverted microscope body, and multichannel detection unit
Single molecule sensitivity for excitation between 266 and 900 nm
Multiple detector options for up to 6 truly parallel detection channels
Multiple applications ranging from imaging to single molecule studies
FLIMbee galvo scanner add-on with outstanding flexibility in scanning speed and excellent spatial precision
scanning FCS available via line scan in x using FLIMbee galvo scanner

MicroTime 200 STED
Time-resolved Confocal Fluorescence Microscope with Super-resolution Capability
Complete confocal STED system based on inverted microscope body
Optical resolution below 50 nm
Excitation at 640 nm and optionally with additional lasers at 595 nm and 660 nm
Supports gated STED (gSTED) and gSTED-FCS
FLIMbee galvo scanner add-on with outstanding flexibility in scanning speed and excellent spatial precision
scanning FCS available via line scan in x using FLIMbee galvo scanner

MicroTime 100
Upright Time-resolved Fluorescence Microscope
Complete system with laser combining unit, upright microscope body and detection unit
Pulsed diode lasers with wavelengths from 375 nm to 810 nm
Multiple detector options for up to four detection channels
XY-scanning piezo stage for 2D-lifetime imaging

LSM Upgrade Kit
Compact FLIM and FCS Upgrade Kit for Laser Scanning Microscopes
Compact, easy-to-use and maintenance-free kit, customized to all major LSMs in various configurations for unlimited flexibility
Highest sensitivity with up to 4 detection channels
Fluorescence lifetimes from < 100 ps up to µs
NEW: rapidFLIM, FLIM, FRET, and FCS in one turn-key system
NEW: rapidFLIMHiRes - visualize dynamic processes with ultra fast FLIM imaging and outstanding 10 ps time resolution

SymPhoTime 64
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Correlation Software
Point, 2D, and 3D TTTR data acquisition with online preview of FLIM, FCS, time-traces, or TCSPC histograms
FCS, FCCS, FLCS, PIE-FCS, coincidence correlation, total correlation
FRET, PIE-FRET, fluorescence time traces, anisotropy