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FemtoLux 3
Microjoule Class Industrial Grade Femtosecond Fiber Laser

Up to 3 W at 1030 nm
Up to 3 µJ/pulse
300 fs – 5 ps pulses
Single shot – 5 MHz pulse repetition rates
Burst shape active control
Features & Applications
Output power 3 W at 1030 nm
300 fs … 5 ps tunable pulse duration
Up to 3 μJ/pulse and 10 μJ/burst (at 1030 nm)
Excellent beam quality M² < 1.2
Individual pulse control
Burst shape control
Passive cooling (convective) of laser head
24/7 operation
Marking and structuring
Volume modification of transparent materials
Micromachining of brittle materials
Ophthalmologic surgery
Biological Imaging
Pumping femtosecond OPO/OPA
Multiphoton microscopy
Second harmonic generation imaging
FemtoLux 3 is a modern femtosecond fiber laser aimed for both R&D use and industrial integration. Laser delivers up to 3 W of average power and up to 3 μJ femtosecond pulse energy. FemtoLux 3 is a flexible platform which allows to optimize output parameters for the desired process. The repetition rate as well as the output power can be easily changed with integrated pulse picker.
With burst mode enabled FemtoLux 3 can generate bursts of pulses with energy above 10 μJ with burst shape controlled in real time via analog input. Pulse duration can also be tuned from 300 fs up to 5 ps. Having laser control application running on a wireless tablet, makes FemtoLux series
lasers a most technologically advanced and user friendly as never before for any type of user, be it researcher or industrial user.

Due to continuous improvement, all specifications are subject to change without notice.
See typical power and energy curves for other pulse repetition rates.
At 1 MHz PRRL during 24 h of operation after warm-up under constant environmental conditions.
At 1 MHz PRRL under constant environmental conditions.
When pulse picker is set to transmit every pulse.
Time interval between the pulses is about 20 ns.
Beam pointing stability is evaluated as a movement of the beam centroid in the focal plane of a focusing element.